Rendimiento perfecto de paneles metálicos aislados
Rendimiento térmico superior del panel de pared arquitectónico
You get 100% reliable thermal performance and insulation continuity 鈥? no cavities, no gaps, no crushed insulation and no thermal bridges. No change of R-value occurs when purlin and girt center dimensions are varied. The insulated core is the most thermally effective insulant commonly available today. Insulation values can be easily increased by simply increasing the thickness of the panels.
Attractive & Lightweight
One of the most sophisticated building products on the market today, insulated panels offer a clean, consistent and highquality appearance that immediately adds value to any building. Insulated panels enhance the visual appearance of your buildings, and their remarkable light weight reduces structural requirements and installation costs.
Sturdy & Durable
LOS PANELES DE PARED EMBOSSED incorporan un revestimiento interior acabado, protección de aire y vapor aplicada de fábrica y una superficie exterior de intemperie con acabado de núcleo de espuma aislada en una sola unidad de revestimiento. La acción compuesta resultante de un enlace químico entre el núcleo de espuma inyectado en el lugar y las capas de acero crea una unidad rígida y liviana con una capacidad de expansión excepcional.